They Taught You to Hate

A letter to the children of MAGA

Beverly Garside
5 min readOct 17, 2021
A man makes an angry face
Photo by Tycho Atsma on Unsplash

They taught you to hate us. We were libtards, sheep, and not real Americans. We were out to kill God, destroy America, and turn the whole world into a satanic orgy of vice. Hating us was part of the Lord’s work. Have I pissed you off yet?

They taught you to hate all others — the black, brown, Asian, and native. For only white people were fully human and could be real Americans. Everyone else was inferior savages who had no civilization or history of their own. N*****s, s***s, c*****s. Their only purpose was to serve whites, and now they were getting out of their place, pouring over our borders in hordes, taking over our land, and pushing out our noble white culture.

They taught you that Jesus was white. He was the great white savior and we were a white Christian nation called to be the new Israel. You were thus chosen of God to bring the gospel to the brown heathen world. You were to teach them the good news that they too, could be saved from hell. If they accepted the white savior, they would be admitted to the basement of the Kingdom of God. Then, if they abandoned their different ways and adopted white Christian culture — dressing, talking, and living like you — they may even be admitted to your white churches, though that might be controversial.

They taught you to hate gays and anyone with a non-binary gender. F*&&%$s, f*%$%#s, d&%$s. They were an abomination unto God. Thus there would be no gays in heaven. Moreover, their campaign for civil rights was a satanic plot to bring God’s wrath down upon the whole nation.

They taught you to hate cities. There were so many blacks, browns, gays, and foreigners there. Urban culture was not pure, white, Christian, and rural, therefore it was forsaken by God. Cities, with their diverse people, varied cultures, fancy coffee shops, and secular ways, cities were the Sodom and Gomorrah of the nation. One day God was going to knock them down like the Tower of Babble.

They taught you to hate education. For the more you learned about how the world worked, the less you would believe their ignorant descriptions of it. The more you learned about the kaleidoscope of people in the world, the less comfortable you would be with their being sent to an eternity in hell. And the more you learned about the vastness of the world, the less you would see yourself and rural white Christianity as its center.

They taught you to hate the government. The government was on the side of Satan and the liberals. It was run not by, laws, agencies, and ordinary people, but by space aliens in disguise who ruled over us with vast, magical conspiracies. People like us who let the government tell them what to do were sheep. The only way to make our nation the new Israel and get us back under the rule of straight white Christian men was to overthrow our democratic government — by any means necessary.

A policeman at a MAGA stop the steal rally
Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

They taught you to hate women. Bitches, whores, cunts. We were to blame for man’s fall from grace. The girls among you were taught to be ashamed of themselves. We were only created to serve men thus the root of all our nation’s sins started when we left the home and became independent. We were uppity and out of our place, just like the black and brown people. The only way for our nation to regain God’s favor was to get us back under the rule of men.

They taught you to hate yourselves. Spoilt, entitled, snowflake, participation trophy! You were the biggest disappointment in the history of the republic. Your generations were wholly unfit to take over white Christian ownership of the nation. You were under the thrall of Satan — the debris of a ruined world.

They taught you to hate truth and facts. They taught you that the easiest way to win an argument was to just deny the facts, and invent your own. That way it was not a lie, it was an opinion, and no one could take it away from you.

They taught you to long for Jesus to return. Because right before Jesus came back, he was going to brutally slaughter all the others. Men, women, children, and babies who were not straight white rural American Christians, or those few others who had been admitted into the Kingdom’s basement, would be massacred by the billions in the Tribulation. God was going to send earthquakes and great lightning bolts onto their prideful cities, burning them all alive. Then he was going to throw all those gays, libtards, sheep, foreigners, city-dwellers, and lesser races into eternal torment in hell.

City on fire
Image from Freepix

It was going to be a glorious sight.

Meanwhile Jesus would come back and rapture you up into his mansions in Heaven. And once the Earth was cleansed of all of us, he would bring you back again to a new heaven and a new Earth. Just for you.

It was going to be a wonderful time.

Children of MAGA, know that we have not forgotten you. We see you, dragged behind your parents as they invade your schools with angry signs, threaten your teachers, and attack your friends’ parents. We see you sneaking off, trying to get vaccinated in secret so they won’t think you’ve been genetically altered by demons. We see you flowing into cities, colleges, and military recruiting stations.

Trying to escape.

Know that we do not hate you. We welcome you. You are part of our future. We are rooting for you to make it into our world. It’s far from perfect and we don’t claim to have all the answers, but there is reason and hope here. We hope that you will stay and help us make it a better place. Or maybe go back to your home communities one day and transform them into places that your own kids won’t have to flee.

Meanwhile, keep hanging on, keep learning, keep feeding your mind and heart. Godspeed.



Beverly Garside
Beverly Garside

Written by Beverly Garside

Beverly is an author, artist, and a practicing agnostic.

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