Eight Real-Life Dementors From Harry Potter
A masterclass in evil, fascism, and life
The only thing I can find that makes the Harry Potter series classified as a “children’s” story is that its main protagonists are children. Because the lessons taught in this ever darkening saga may have indeed been rejected as a adult story for being too harsh and traumatic. Indeed, the realities of the magical world Rowling created ring so depressingly true to our own, that they hit me like a string of dementors, lined up strategically for the kill.
Dementor #1 — People are not inherently good at heart. Evil people are not a exception to the norm. They may even be the norm. Whether they be death eaters, NAZIs, MAGAs, narcissists, or any of a million other brands, they are legion.
Dementor #2 — Evil people do not always have a kernal of goodness in them that can be appealed to. A lot of them very much enjoy their particular brand of darkness and find such appeals entertaining.
Dememtor #3 — Love is not a cure-all for evil people. It’s true that some evil individuals respond to love and subsequently convert to the lighter side. But as for the masses, love is something they may have never experienced and don’t even understand. Throwing it at them with rainbows and unicorns is only going to get you eaten alive.
Dementor #4 — Fascists are not all strangers. They don’t dress up in black capes, wield weapons, or hail from afar. They live among you. They are your family, friends, coworkers, and employers. They dress in suits or blue jeans and only show their true colors when the situation demands it.
Dementor #5 — Good people are not pure. We are all on a spectrum of lighter and darker shades of grey. Those of us on the lighter half strive towards the light, but we also trip over our own dark spots.
Dementor #6 — In a fight against fascism, good people are often your worst enemies. They will hide from the fight. They will gaslight, they will make excuses, they will work hard to pretend everything is normal. They will tell you you’re overreacting. They will believe lies spread by the enemy. They will go along to get along.
Dementor #7 — You cannot fight evil in a gleaming white robe. Evil is unimpressed by virtue. Pacisfism and personal virture are collaboration and capitulation. You must practice deception and violence to the measure required. You must fight evil where it lives. You must engage your own dark side and struggle to keep it from overtaking you completely.
Dementor #8 — Free societies are also deeply corrupt and cruel. We only fight for them because they are much better than fascism, not because they are inherently good.
And there we have the magical world of Harry Potter. A corrupt society that enslaves elves, is obsessed with a violent sport called quidditch, and routinely throws its kids into dangerous rituals and competitions. We have children who take on the fight against evil and fascism because the adults and the government won’t. We have an evil team that can count on good people to cower out of its way.
But Wizard World also has positive features worth fighting for. It’s governed by laws, not the whim of a dictator. Nobody cares what kind of ancestry, or “blood” you have. Muggles are protected and peace and non-intervention are enforced between the two communities.
And in all this honesty, it’s a masterpiece.
Learn your lessons well, kids.